#1 skandinaviske guild
Icecrown Warmane
Join oss i dag og bli med på vår progress!

#1 skandinaviske guild
Icecrown Warmane
Join oss i dag og bli med på vår progress!

RAIDING Progress
  • Icecrown Citadel 10m (Normal) 100% 100%
  • Icecrown Citadel 10m (Heroic) 100% 100%
  • Icecrown Citadel 25m (Normal) 100% 100%
  • Icecrown Citadel 25m (Heroic) 75% 75%
  • Ruby Sanctum 10m (Heroic) 100% 100%
  • Ruby Sanctum 25m (Heroic) 100% 100%

Om man ikke følger disse enkle reglene får man ikke joine guild raids!

  • ALDRI Join guild raids, om ikke du kan raide til 23:00!
  • Anvend PvE Talents
  • Anvend PvE Gear/Items
  • ALT gear SKAL ha Enchants & Sockets
  • ALLE skal bringe flasks (Kan kjøpes for 120g i raid)
  • ALDRI prat på discord om noen forteller tactics
  • ALDRI call ut noen i raid, send en PM til officer
  • Respekter ALLTID dine guild members, ingen stygge kommentarer
  • ALLE er nødt til å ha DBM eller BigWigs installert

Vår Historie

Exodorians er en skandinavisk alliance guild, som ble stiftet på Warmane’s realm “Icecrown” i december 2016. Vi var en gjeng norske studenter som begynte å spille på warmane, og hadde et guild for oss selv. Etter å ha dinget 80 fant vi fort ut at vi trengte en raiding guild. Det var stor interesse for en skandinavisk raiding guild på Warmane, og etter å ha blitt kjent med ett par Svensker var vi i gang.

Guildet vokste fort, og etter 3 uker med recruiting, klarte vi å kjøre vårt første raid i ICC. Vi downet 8/12 bosser med medlemmer som ikke hadde gjort dette før på denne serveren. Det tok oss totalt 5 uker fra vi startet å recruite members til vi downet Lich King på 10m. Senere har guildet bare økt i members og progress.

I dag består guildet av over 350 members hvor det kanskje er 100 aktive players. Dette betyr at vi kanskje er warmane’s største skandinaviske guild, og dette er vi veldig stolte av. Vi kjører hver uke 3-5 raids, hvor 3 av de er progress runs og 2 av de er alt-boosting runs.


Raiding Tider

Alle raiding tider er lokal skandinavisk tid.
Torsdag 20:00 - 23:00

Icecrown Citadell 25m (Normal / Heroic)

  • Vær online 15 minutter før raidtime
  • Gear skal ha full sockets & enchants
  • Bring Flasks, vi bringer Food
  • Connect til Discord
Søndag 20:00 - 23:00

Icecrown Citadel 25m Fortsettelse
+ Icecrown Citadel 10m (Heroic)

  • Vær online 15 minutter før raidtime
  • Gear skal ha full sockets & enchants
  • Bring Flasks, vi bringer Food
  • Connect til Discord
Mandag 20:00 - 23:00

Icecrown Citadel 10m (Heroic) fortsettelse
+ Icecrown Citadel 10m (Normal/Heroic) Alt Run

  • Vær online 15 minutter før raidtime
  • Gear skal ha full sockets & enchants
  • Bring Flasks, vi bringer Food
  • Connect til Discord
Finn oss på armory

DKP Poengtavle

Hvordan anskaffe DKP?
Møte opp innen raidstart + 10 DKP
Fullført raid kl 23:00 + 10 DKP
Per 25m Boss Killed + 5 DKP
Per 25m Heroic Boss Killed + 10 DKP

Hvor mye DKP har jeg?

Sjekk din offiser note in-game

DKP EXPLAINED – What is it?

What is DKP? Why do we use it? How does it work? Do I need an addon? How does looting work?
These are all good questions that I’ll try to answer in the best possible way.

What is dkp?
DKP stands for “Dragon Kill Points” and is a loot-system we’ll be using in Exodorians starting 16.05.2017. The whole point with this system is to hand out loot from the bosses we kill, in the fairest possible way.

Why do we use it?
We want to reward our hardest working members and give our regular members a higher chance to win loot they’ve been working for. For example: If a brand new member joins ICC25, and Deathbringers Will drops. Who deserves it more, the guildie that has completed 15 raids with the guild or the one who has come once maybe twice? The answer is logic, the one who has been here for 15 raids will most likely join several more times, and he has been working much harder then the new guy. While the new raider might get the item and leave the guild after 2 weeks or go inactive.

How does it work?
Whenever you do any of the following actions, you will be rewarded with our custom “DKP Currency” which is referred to in numbers below:

  • +10 DKP == Meeting up in time (Even if you don’t get a spot)
  • +10 DKP == Finish Raiding @23:00
  • +5 DKP == Per 25m Boss Killed
  • +10 DKP == Per 25m Heroic Boss Killed

However there are some actions that are rewarded with (-)DKP. These are the following:

  • -20 DKP == Leaving the raid before 23:00, unless you told officers before joining

You will use this “DKP Currency” to bid on items that drops in our Guild Raids. Minimum bid is 1 DKP and there is no max bid. The person who bids highest wins the item. You do not know who bids or how much they bid. So you bid what you think the item is worth for you. How you bid is very simple, when an item you want drops, whisper the raid leader the number of DKP you want to spend on that item. (For Example: “/w 25”)

Why do we use it?
We want to reward our hardest working members and give our regular members a higher chance to win loot they’ve been working for. For example: If a brand new member joins ICC25, and Deathbringers Will drops. Who deserves it more, the guildie that has completed 15 raids with the guild or the one who has come once maybe twice? The answer is logic, the one who has been here for 15 raids will most likely join several more times, and he/she has been working much harder then the new guy. While the new raider might get the item and leave the guild after 2 weeks or go inactive.

Can I send DKP between characters?
Yes, and No. You will earn DKP on the character you a raid with, and not account wise. This means that you’ll have to decide what character is your main and alt. To make it fair, if you play ur alt and gain dkp.. U can send it to your main. (This because: If we need ur alt instead of ur main. You shall still be rewarded). But you cannot send DKP from a main, to your alt. (This because: If your main is fully geared, you should not be able to send loads of dkp to ur alt so u get all the gear that drops). So, you can send DKP from your alt to your main, but not the other way around. (You can by discussing with Bjerkeng first, switch main characters)

We’ve come to a point now, where rules are very important. We want to make all of our guildies happy and satisfied. And right now these rules are for the guilds best.

  •  You won’t win items that will benefit a different class more then your own. Unless no one else bids for Main Spec. This means that warriors are second in line when bidding on an leather item. UNLESS it’s BiS. And what is BiS is up to the raidleader.
  • You are allowed to send DKP from your alt to your main. But not the other way.
  • You can change your Main and send all your DKP, but only every 2-3 months.

Bidding Rounds
We will be using two rounds of bidding. It’s simple, one round for Main Specc & one round for Off Specc. In the Main Specc round you are not allowed to bid for Off Specc. If no one bids for Main Specc, the round goes over to Off Specc. We figured this was the most fair way to do this.

There is one exception to this Rule. And that is if.. You are Grindtard and you’re fully BiS. 100% full on items. You can bid for Off Specc in the Main Specc round. Or if the last item you need is from a boss that is unprogressable.

Guild Streams

Det er mange members i exodorians som streamer.
Alle members kan søke om å få sin stream opp på nettsiden. Det er bare å sende whisper til en officer in-game.
Hver uke, streamer offiserer i guildet vår progress i både icc 10m heroic og 25m heroic. Dette hender
Mandag, Torsdag og Søndag i 
mellom kl 20:00 og 23:00.

Trigle // Guild Master
Pakten // Officer
Tonybe // Officer
Voltkas // Officer
Rawn // Officer
Warshan // Officer
Dangfart // Officer
Aimhax ///Core Raider